Other Half Mac OS

Similar Messages:
  • Transfer all your data from a PC and use it on your Mac. Easily share files, devices, and other resources between Windows and Mac. Install other operating systems, such as versions of Windows, Linux, another copy of macOS. and free virtual appliances—and use them together.
  • Mac OS X 10.5.2 cames with 125 bug fixes and smaller optimizations on January 24th, 2008. Mac OS X 10.6 is a Mac computer with Intel Core 2 Duo processor with at least 1 GB memory and 5 GB free space ahead. This operating system no longer exists as PowerPC execution. Apple placed the focus development on performance and stability.

Intel Mac :: 24' Screen Went Half Dark?

This video will show you how to switch between Mac OS and Windows. Thank you for watching and please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE for more videos. MacOS (originally named 'Mac OS X' until 2012 and then 'OS X' until 2016) is the current Mac operating system that officially succeeded the classic Mac OS in 2001. Although the system was originally marketed as simply 'version 10' of Mac OS, it has a history that is largely independent of the classic Mac OS. It is a Unix-based operating system built on NeXTSTEP and other technology developed.

Mar 7, 2012

My 24' Imac screen went 1/2 black on top the bottom is fine, can I fix this myself?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5)

Intel Mac :: Left Half Of The Screen Would Flick And Become Darker Than The Lower Half?

Jun 21, 2012

At the beginning of last year I bought a 3.2GHz 27' iMac. About a month ago I noticed that, within about 5 minutes of starting my computer back up from sleep the left half of the screen would flick and become darker than the lower half (about 4 clicks of the light button lower). Sometimes the screen will flick to become even darker than this (but usually it returns to the 4 clicks darker after a short while), and sometimes it returns to normal only to go darker again.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

MacBook Pro :: Bottom Half Of My Screen Go Black And Most Of The Top Half Flicker?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro with the 9600gt in it. Since updating to 10.6.4 this morning 2 times while playing java games i've had the bottom half of my screen go black and most of the top half flicker. I've had to hold in the power button and reset both times. The second time I closed the screen and reopened it, the screen was black but no mouse and nothing moved.
Any advice? Would this be something to do with my graphics card or possibly some error in 10.6.4?Edit:: This is software related to 10.6.4 update and only happens when I open up a java game in a browser.

IMac :: IMac Display Half Dark?

Nov 3, 2008

Allright, I have a 24' iMac. 3.06 Core Duo 2 4GB RAM etc etc.
Just now, as I was innocently talking to a friend using iChat, the top of my screen flickered once or twice and then went dark. I am typing on it now, so it is not unreadable, it just looks like the back lighting has gone off on the top half. The middle is relatively light (bleedover from bottom back light?). I have tried playing with the hinge to no avail. After I reset the computer, cleared pram-nothing. Zippo. I got the top to stay lit for about a half second after reset, but it then flicked off again. Do I need to load up my iMac and drag my ass to the Apple Store (it really is quite a task to drive there)?Here is a horrible cell phone picture (and no, the screen IS dark, that's not a shadow.):

MacBook Pro :: Bootcamp Chopped Hard Disk In Half And I Can't Find Other Half

Jun 26, 2009

Macbook pro 15'
I was trying to install windows on my pro, and i had bootcamp chop the hard disk in half, but then my disk drive didnt read the cd so i had to download and install some file. and after i restarted i could no longer access the windows side, it just disappeared.....plus i cannot reset my hard disk, cant erase it, and i cant reinstall OS X because there is no memory left..

IMac :: G5 Half Screen Appearing Gray

May 23, 2010

I have a G5 that developed a fault where half the screen is grey . It does this on starting up and stays this way. My eyes feel like there bleeding from hours of starring at screen and reading text to no avail. I am of limited funds so a send away for repairs is probably going to be beyond my means.

MacBook Pro :: Word Won't Use But Half The Screen

May 22, 2012

why WORD will only use half the screen?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Word for Mac 2010

MacBook Pro :: When I Turn It On I Can Only See Half Of My Screen

Jul 2, 2012

When I turn on my macbook pro I can only see 1/2 of the screen. I can see the right hand side of the screen, but the left hand side is black. Nothing will show up in the left hand side (cursor, window, etc.)
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

ITunes For Mac :: Half Screen Is Black When Watching Video In Full Screen

Sep 10, 2014

As the headline says the right half of the screen turns black when watching video content in iTunes on full screen. I can see the whole picture when moving the mouse a little but as soon as the navigation bar disappears the right half of the picture disappears too. It does not matter what source it is. Both podcasts and movies work (or do not work) the same.
The problem doesn't occur for other player (VLC, XBMC etc.).
I have the latest OS (10.9.4) and iTunes (11.4). The computer is MBP 13-inch retina, late 2012 if it matters.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Software :: Macbook Screen Only Half Is Displaying?

Nov 1, 2010

The screen on my macbook (07 White 13' Macbook) is only displaying the top half of the screen.The bottom half is filled with colored vertical lines.On occasion it will clear up partially but mainly stays this way. I have reset the smc and pram. I have also disassebled and reseated the connection on the back of the lcd screen only.I have not reseated the connection wher it goes inside the computer body itself.

MacBook Air :: Open The Safari And It's On The Half Of The Screen?

Jun 23, 2012

I just bought MacBook Air and a bit confused.Firstly, i can't find how to add another language to the keyboard. Is it possible?Secondly, I open the Safari and it's on the half of the screen. How to may picture bigger? There is no sign stretch anywhere.And is it possible to open a few windows with safari like in iphone?
MacBook Air

Intel Mac :: Screen Turns Off And Half Of Screen Looks Darker

Mar 17, 2012

Since a couple of days, my screen (iMac 27' mid 2011) turns off. Also, half of the screen looks darker. Is it a hardware problem or maybe can be solved by software?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

MacBook Air :: Half Screen Brighter And Right Screen Normal

Aug 24, 2014

I have a MBA 13' late 2012. It was working fine and suddenly one day exactly left half of the screen went bright and right half was normal.There was no drop, nothing. It's exactly straight half line in between the screen. Where left part of the screen is brighter.
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Laptops :: Have An Intermittent Where Half Of The Screen Will Go Whitish With Lines?

Dec 17, 2009

I have a 17' MacBook Pro 2.16Ghz Core Duo with 10.6.2. I have an intermittent issue where half of the screen will go whitish with lines. A picture of my screen experiencing this is hosted at [URL]To return the screen to normal I simply have to close the screen and open it again.Unfortunately my AppleCare has expired, and my Apple tech is not sure of the cause. Any thoughts as to whether this is the screen, cable, or logic board.If it turns out to be the logic board, will the Core 2 Duo board fit into this case? If I have to replace the board anyway

MacBook Pro :: Half Of MPB Screen Blanking Out With Vertical Lines

Nov 7, 2009

I have a late 2007 2.2ghz MBP. It seems that the video cable is failing, as I often open it up from sleep and get only half an image on the screen. Image capture does not capture this, so I know that it is hardware related. It does not happen on my external monitor.
It is getting more frequent, and has been going on for about a month, The warranty expired in late September (lucky me!)

MacBook Pro :: Only Half Of Screen Showing And Colors Off When Turn It On

Aug 22, 2014

When I turned on my computer this morning the display was off center and could only see one half on the screen and the other half was black and all the colors were off lIke all the things that are normally blue were a weird reddish orangey color.
MacBook Pro

MacBook :: Bottom Half Of Screen Flicking/flashing Lines?

Feb 8, 2012

my Mac started doing this a week ago. The bottom half of the screen flickers/flashes lines. If I leave it open on a flat surface and I touch the screen for a little bit, it'll go back to normal. When I close the laptop, put it in my case, and travel around with it, the next time I open it up it'll start flashing again.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

MacBook Pro :: Facebook Games Loading Half Of Screen In Safari?

May 11, 2012

When I try to play a game on facebook, it only loads half of the screen like so...�I've tried clearing out my browser, updating adobe, resetting safari, clearing out cache and cookies. Nothing seems to be working.
Mac Pro

Intel Mac :: Left Half Of Screen Flickering - Now Showing Quite Darker

May 23, 2012

I have an iMac 27'. The left half of my screen started flickering, and now it is quite darker than the right side (facing my computer). Do I have to bring it in to the store or is there a fix?

IMac :: AirPort Supports Only Half Duplex?

Sep 14, 2010

Why does airport only support half duplex? Is there any way to unlock full duplex?

MacBook Pro :: Froze Halfway With Vertical Colored Lines On Half Screen

Sep 1, 2014

today while I was working on my dissertation the screen on my MacBook Pro suddenly froze halfway with colored vertical lines covering the right half of the screen. The computer is only 1 year and 1 week old.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2012), iOS 7.1.2

IMac (Intel) :: Only Boots Half Way And Appears To Freeze?

Dec 2, 2014

When rebooting after a crash, computer boot cycle only makes it half-way across the screen. how do you recover from this?
iMac, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

MacBook Air :: 13' 2010 Thin White Lines Across Bottom Half Of Screen?

Dec 9, 2010

Just received the new 13' macbook air yesterday and today have noticed some very thin horizontal banding lines across the bottom portion of the screen.
Has anyone else noticed this, or check to see if your one has this problem.
It is quite subtle but it makes the icons on the dock look as if they have a card like effect through them.
Easiest to check if you make your screen wallpaper the dark grey colour.
On this the top part of the screen seems consistent, but at the bottom part there is very thin white horizontal lines. I tried updating the software, but it seems to be the same - looks like a faulty display may have to send back,wondering if it could be fixed with a software update.
The strange thing is black and dark colours do not produce the effect it only shows up on greys or medium contrast colours like blue.

OS X Yosemite :: When Playing Music On Mac It Cuts Out After Half An Hour And Returns To Sign In Screen

Dec 11, 2014

When playing music on the Mac, it cuts out after half an hour & returns to sign-in screen.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

MacBook Pro :: After Half An Hour Of Use Strange White Glare That Remain In Bottom Begins To Appear On Screen

Sep 2, 2014

My computer has a problem on the screen. After half an hour of use strange white glare that remain in the bottom begins to appear. When disconnecting the unit from one day to the next, but these glosses disappear within a half hour of use reappear. Why does it happen? Will it be a failure of manufacture? The device is 2013 What should I do
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Other Half Mac Os Downloads

MacBook Pro :: Screen Totally Dark But Keyboard Light Up

Jan 25, 2010

I just fired up my almost new Macbook Pro a few minutes ago and the screen is totally dark. Not dimmed, nothing at all. The keyboard lights up.

MacBook Won't Start / Half Of Start Up Chime / Flash A White Screen Then Die

Apr 14, 2012

My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.
MacBook Pro

OS X :: Other Half Of New HDD Usable?

Apr 16, 2009

I've installed a 250gb WD hdd in my G4 AGP/ Graphics as a second drive. I didn't know the hdd limitations would affect a slave . Which is not a problem, what I need to know is if the half of the drive that doesn't mount will just be a waste of space. Or can it be formatted and if so, how?
500mhz, 27gb WD master hdd, 1gb pc133 ram, 250gb WD slave hdd. [URL]

OS X :: Almost Half Of Applications Suddenly Gone

Jan 24, 2009

So I have a late 2006 MacBook running OS X 10.5.6. Today I noticed that my iCal icon was translucent and there was the '?' on top of it. Confused I clicked on the applications folder in the dock and the grid showed all of the applications on my mac, however it was only about 35 applications. Normally I have the full grid plus 10 or so that are left to see in finder. Now I was worried so I went to the actual applications folder and there was a lot of empty space in between each app, the perfect amount of space for the apps that are now gone. So I clicked on iPhoto and iChat in the dock and both appeared with question mark... And oddly enough I had been using iChat but didn't realized that it disconnect from the internet, so I quit it and tried to restart which is when I got the question mark. I do have weekly backups of my computer on a Time Machine which makes me feel a bit safer, but I still would like to know what is causing this.

So, you’ve decided to download an older version of Mac OS X. There are many reasons that could point you to this radical decision. To begin with, some of your apps may not be working properly (or simply crash) on newer operating systems. Also, you may have noticed your Mac’s performance went down right after the last update. Finally, if you want to run a parallel copy of Mac OS X on a virtual machine, you too will need a working installation file of an older Mac OS X. Further down we’ll explain where to get one and what problems you may face down the road.

A list of all Mac OS X versions

We’ll be repeatedly referring to these Apple OS versions below, so it’s good to know the basic macOS timeline.

Cheetah 10.0Puma 10.1Jaguar 10.2
Panther 10.3Tiger 10.4Leopard 10.5
Snow Leopard 10.6Lion 10.7Mountain Lion 10.8
Mavericks 10.9Yosemite 10.10El Capitan 10.11
Sierra 10.12High Sierra 10.13Mojave 10.14
Catalina 10.15

STEP 1. Prepare your Mac for installation

Given your Mac isn’t new and is filled with data, you will probably need enough free space on your Mac. This includes not just space for the OS itself but also space for other applications and your user data. One more argument is that the free space on your disk translates into virtual memory so your apps have “fuel” to operate on. The chart below tells you how much free space is needed.

Note, that it is recommended that you install OS on a clean drive. Next, you will need enough disk space available, for example, to create Recovery Partition. Here are some ideas to free up space on your drive:

  • Uninstall large unused apps
  • Empty Trash Bin and Downloads
  • Locate the biggest files on your computer:

Go to Finder > All My Files > Arrange by size
Then you can move your space hoggers onto an external drive or a cloud storage.
If you aren’t comfortable with cleaning the Mac manually, there are some nice automatic “room cleaners”. Our favorite is CleanMyMac as it’s most simple to use of all. It deletes system junk, old broken apps, and the rest of hidden junk on your drive.

Download CleanMyMac for OS 10.4 - 10.8 (free version)

Download CleanMyMac for OS 10.9 (free version)

Download CleanMyMac for OS 10.10 - 10.14 (free version)

STEP 2. Get a copy of Mac OS X download

Normally, it is assumed that updating OS is a one-way road. That’s why going back to a past Apple OS version is problematic. The main challenge is to download the OS installation file itself, because your Mac may already be running a newer version. If you succeed in downloading the OS installation, your next step is to create a bootable USB or DVD and then reinstall the OS on your computer.

How to download older Mac OS X versions via the App Store

If you once had purchased an old version of Mac OS X from the App Store, open it and go to the Purchased tab. There you’ll find all the installers you can download. However, it doesn’t always work that way. The purchased section lists only those operating systems that you had downloaded in the past. But here is the path to check it:

  1. Click the App Store icon.
  2. Click Purchases in the top menu.
  3. Scroll down to find the preferred OS X version.
  4. Click Download.

This method allows you to download Mavericks and Yosemite by logging with your Apple ID — only if you previously downloaded them from the Mac App Store.

Without App Store: Download Mac OS version as Apple Developer

If you are signed with an Apple Developer account, you can get access to products that are no longer listed on the App Store. If you desperately need a lower OS X version build, consider creating a new Developer account among other options. The membership cost is $99/year and provides a bunch of perks unavailable to ordinary users.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that if you visit developer.apple.com/downloads, you can only find 10.3-10.6 OS X operating systems there. Newer versions are not available because starting Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.7, the App Store has become the only source of updating Apple OS versions.

Purchase an older version of Mac operating system

You can purchase a boxed or email version of past Mac OS X directly from Apple. Both will cost you around $20. For the reason of being rather antiquated, Snow Leopard and earlier Apple versions can only be installed from DVD.

Buy a boxed edition of Snow Leopard 10.6
Get an email copy of Lion 10.7
Get an email copy of Mountain Lion 10.8

The email edition comes with a special download code you can use for the Mac App Store. Note, that to install the Lion or Mountain Lion, your Mac needs to be running Snow Leopard so you can install the newer OS on top of it.

How to get macOS El Capitan download

If you are wondering if you can run El Capitan on an older Mac, rejoice as it’s possible too. But before your Mac can run El Capitan it has to be updated to OS X 10.6.8. So, here are main steps you should take:

1. Install Snow Leopard from install DVD.
2. Update to 10.6.8 using Software Update.
3. Download El Capitan here.

“I can’t download an old version of Mac OS X”

If you have a newer Mac, there is no physical option to install Mac OS versions older than your current Mac model. For instance, if your MacBook was released in 2014, don’t expect it to run any OS released prior of that time, because older Apple OS versions simply do not include hardware drivers for your Mac.

But as it often happens, workarounds are possible. There is still a chance to download the installation file if you have an access to a Mac (or virtual machine) running that operating system. For example, to get an installer for Lion, you may ask a friend who has Lion-operated Mac or, once again, set up a virtual machine running Lion. Then you will need to prepare an external drive to download the installation file using OS X Utilities.

After you’ve completed the download, the installer should launch automatically, but you can click Cancel and copy the file you need. Below is the detailed instruction how to do it.

STEP 3. Install older OS X onto an external drive

The following method allows you to download Mac OS X Lion, Mountain Lion, and Mavericks.

  1. Start your Mac holding down Command + R.
  2. Prepare a clean external drive (at least 10 GB of storage).
  3. Within OS X Utilities, choose Reinstall OS X.
  4. Select external drive as a source.
  5. Enter your Apple ID.

Now the OS should start downloading automatically onto the external drive. After the download is complete, your Mac will prompt you to do a restart, but at this point, you should completely shut it down. Now that the installation file is “captured” onto your external drive, you can reinstall the OS, this time running the file on your Mac.

  1. Boot your Mac from your standard drive.
  2. Connect the external drive.
  3. Go to external drive > OS X Install Data.

Locate InstallESD.dmg disk image file — this is the file you need to reinstall Lion OS X. The same steps are valid for Mountain Lion and Mavericks.

How to downgrade a Mac running later macOS versions

Other Half Mosaic Dream

If your Mac runs macOS Sierra 10.12 or macOS High Sierra 10.13, it is possible to revert it to the previous system if you are not satisfied with the experience. You can do it either with Time Machine or by creating a bootable USB or external drive.
Instruction to downgrade from macOS Sierra

Instruction to downgrade from macOS High Sierra

Instruction to downgrade from macOS Mojave

Instruction to downgrade from macOS Catalina

Before you do it, the best advice is to back your Mac up so your most important files stay intact. In addition to that, it makes sense to clean up your Mac from old system junk files and application leftovers. The easiest way to do it is to run CleanMyMac X on your machine (download it for free here).

Visit your local Apple Store to download older OS X version

If none of the options to get older OS X worked, pay a visit to nearest local Apple Store. They should have image installations going back to OS Leopard and earlier. You can also ask their assistance to create a bootable USB drive with the installation file. So here you are. We hope this article has helped you to download an old version of Mac OS X. Below are a few more links you may find interesting.