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Article Title
Cultural immersion experiences can have a lifelong impact on counseling students’ development and identity. The authors describe the connection between cultural immersion experiences and multicultural competence. The authors also offer their professional experiences with international cultural immersion, provide a framework for counselor educators to create these experiences for counseling.
- This qualitative research seeks to understand how students’ experiences in service-learning contribute to their understanding of and commitment to social justice. Sensemaking theory is applied to unpack how students make sense of social justice—expressly, how the service-learning experiences (both community and classroom processes) provide students the opportunity to consider.
- Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.6.8 Mac OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard is an upgrade to the previous version of OS X Leopard. This update does not have stacks of new features, rather overall improvements and efficiency upgrades.
Social Justice Pirates Mac Os Catalina
A daunting obstacle to clarity in formulating ideas about conflict resolution and social justice is the fact that each of these terms has multiple meanings. There is widespread recognition that 'social justice' is a multivalent phrase. Commentators since Aristotle have written of distributive, restitutive, retributive, procedural, and relational justice, and each of these types has been further subdivided to reflect differences in social philosophy and in common usage. Less well recognized is the ambiguity of 'conflict resolution,' a term that refers to a mélange of theories and practices that, although interrelated, do not constitute a cleanly demarcated and coherently defined whole. To name a few large subdivisions in this evolving field, we are accustomed to speak of alternative dispute resolution, principled negotiation, relational transformation, public dispute resolution, analytical conflict resolution, and individual or communal reconciliation processes.
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Author Bio(s)
Richard E. Rubenstein is Professor of Conflict Resolution and Public Affairs at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at the George Mason University.
alternative dispute resolution (ADR), analytical conflict resolution (ACR), conflict resolution, public dispute resolution (PDR), social justice
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Rubenstein, Richard E. (1999) 'Introduction: Conflict Resolution and Social Justice,' Peace and Conflict Studies: Vol. 6 : No. 1 , Article 1.
Available at: https://nsuworks.nova.edu/pcs/vol6/iss1/1
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