Squirt - GMTK JAM Mac OS
  1. Gmtk Jam 2021
  2. Gmtk Game Jam
  3. Gmtk Game Jam Games


SLICE, GLITCH, JUGGLE & SQUIRT. Nedit is sample processor for Ableton, running in Max For Live, by Ned Rush. Once you’ve dropped in a sample, it slices, glitches, juggles and squirts out sound ready for resampling or performing. You can tweak it, click and drag it, jam it or leave it to do its own thing. These games were made, or at least started, in a short period of time. Currently all of these are playable in your browser.

One Second! is a series of fast paced RPG battle where you have to make quick decisions and defeat your foes.

Once you are into a battle you can only act when the timer is blue (one second) and the red is the 'AI' turn (not sure we can call this AI at that point haha).

You can only do one action per turn (attack or heal), same for the enemies.

This game was created for the Game Maker Toolkit (GMTK) Game Jam of 2019, the theme was 'only one'.

Edit: i just realized there is no way to 'win' the game right now since it's just infinite battles.

Enjoy and feel free to send feedbacks my way so i can do better next time ❤

Play in your browser:

For some reason, the version on itch isn't working correctly but the one on github is: https://colinbellino.github.io/gmtk-2019/

Controls (see screenshot):

  • Left click (on a character): Attack
  • Right click (on a character): Heal
  • Escape: Back to menu / exit
Squirt - GMTK JAM Mac OS

Source code:
https://github.com/colinbellino/gmtk-2019 (some of the code is really bad and should not be considered best practice, at all!)


I recorded my screen during the whole process (except some design notes on pen & paper): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuvIs4mDbE0


  • Colin Bellino (me@colinbellino.com): programming, art, design

Tools used:

  • SFRX (sound effects generator): http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html
  • Unity (game engine): https://unity3d.com/
  • Aseprite (pixel art): https://www.aseprite.org/
  • Streamlabs (recording): https://streamlabs.com/
  • Bosca Ceoil (music): https://boscaceoil.net/

Special thanks:

  • Gunter: http://adventuretime.wikia.com/wiki/Gunter
PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
AuthorColin Bellino
Made withUnity, Aseprite, Bosca Ceoil
Tagsgmtk-2019, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, Unity

Install instructions

  • Windows: Download and unzip 'One Second.zip'. Run 'One Second.exe' :)
  • Mac OS: Download and run 'One Second.app'.
  • Browser: https://colinbellino.github.io/gmtk-2019/


Development log

  • Time-lapse
    Aug 06, 2019
  • And we are live!
    Aug 04, 2019

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You have been thrown into an infinite factory for being defective where you are being left to die. Your choices are out of control - the choice you make never seems to actually be what you chose.

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux

Install instructions

  1. Download the 'Games' file
  2. Extract all the folders in 'Builds.zip'


Open the 'Windows' folder and run the GMTK_2020.exe (Might say windows protected your computer. In that case, just click 'More Info' then 'Run Anyway'.)


Open the 'Linux' folder and run the 'App.x86_64'


Open the 'Mac OS X' folder and run the .app file


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  • Gameplay - I liked your mind-game with the choice mechanic. Eventually, after figuring out how it worked, I just hovered my mouse over the left choice button and clicked it whenever I picked up the item, since that would always give a good outcome.
  • Visuals - Bob is great. So are the dead bots on the floor. I like the style that you drew them with. The world is a bit bland, but it's a jam game, so it was totally acceptable. The color shift is a bit overdone, but it might work if you can dial it down.
  • Sound - No sound. I didn't have time for sound in my game either, unfortunately, so I understand :)
  • Story - I would love to see an epic, over-dramatized story play out if you continued to work on it!

Overall, I like the concept and think it has potential to be a fun arcadey game. I'm fine with the goal of the game being to survive, but I think you could add some more elements to spice the gameplay up. If you put more time into the environment graphics, like you did with the player, it will look really nice and immersive. Nice work on the level generation as well!

Good work!


Thanks! A lot of people have told me i've overdosed the chromatic aberration... The art actually wasnt my me, it ended up being a friend who made it. I couldn't get myself a credit section in time :^( but ill tell them you like it!

Im glad you like the level generation. Took me a while to figure out and it could work better ( especially if you load the maximum 1k rooms and get 7 items every time, 7k items loaded at once!) But I couldn't figure it out In time.

Although I think the game is finished. I won't push it any further as it was done in the 48hrs window and I want to keep it that way. Like you said, more items would've been nice, but I couldn't get ideas or enough in time.

Thank you so much for the feedback! It's really helpful and I will probably put it to good use on my next Jam.

I think this game is pretty cool and I like the art and the way the levels are being generated (I think?) I really like the concept of having to scavange around to find stuff, but I feel there are some things that make it unecessarily hard to complete the game.

Gmtk Jam 2021

First off all, I would get rid of the color shift effect around the edges of the screen, it makes everything super hard to read and see in my opinion. Secondly, I would make the batteries on the ground recharge your robot more, as they do very little now, and you basically have to keep searching for them, which gives you little time to actually look at other things. You could also look into more slowly depleting the battery in general, so people have more time to read the text on the top of the screen. One more little thing: the buttons on the bottom do the opposite for me. 'pick up' ignores the item, and 'ignore' picks up the item, kinda strange? (edit: I just now realise that's the implementation of the theme, but it just really confused me.)

Lastly, I think the game misses a goal. Maybe I missed it, but at least to me, it wasn't really clear what the goal was, except surviving for as long as possible.

Gmtk Game Jam

Anyway, good job on making this game, I think with a little tweaks it could actually turn into a really fun scavanager game with a cool goal to keep people playing!

Gmtk Game Jam Games