Stay By The Water Mac OS

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install H2O Sparkling Water on Mac OS and running H2O sparkling-shell and Flow web interface. In order to run Sparkling Water, you need to have an Apache Spark installed on your computer.

  1. Stay By The Water Mac Os 11
  2. Stay By The Water Mac Os X

Sparkling Water enables users to run H2O machine learning algorithms on the Spark cluster which allows H2O to benefit from Spark capabilities like fast, scalable and distributed in-memory processing.

Problem: When we attempt a Remote Control session to the latest OS X 'Mojave 10.14 Mac build', the mouse and keyboard are completely non-functional.While the Live Connect screen shows the preview correctly but when a remote is initiated the cursor and keyboard are unusable.

1. Install Java

  1. There are workarounds to run 3ds Max on a Mac, but Autodesk has removed support for these options. Read on to learn how to make it work!
  2. Leave your Mac for as long as possible to give the liquid a chance to drain away completely. The longer you can let your Mac sit, the better, but 48 hours is the absolute minimum. To help the drying process, you may want to place your Mac somewhere warm, such as an airing cupboard, or near a source of heat, such as a radiator.
  3. Apple’s macOS is one of the most powerful and productive operating systems available. With the new macOS 11.3, Apple introduced M1 improvements too. Because Apple puts so much focus on its.

Sparkling Water needs Java to be installed, Run below command to install JDK, In my case, I am using OpenJDK

Post JDK install, check if it installed successfully by running


And to know the location of where Java installed

2. Download and Install Apache Spark

First, download Apache Spark, unzip the binary to a directory on your computer and have the SPARK_HOME environment variable set to the Spark home directory. I’ve downloaded spark-2.4.4-bin-hadoop2.7 version, Depending on when you reading this download the latest version available and the steps should not have changed much.

You can also install using brew as show below.

3. Download & Install H2O Sparkling Water

Stay By The Water Mac Os 11

Now, download H2O Sparkling Water, At this time there is no brew install for H20 hence, we need to manually download and install.

and unzip the downloaded file. In case if you don’t have unzip package installed, install it using sudo apt install unzip

In my case, I’ve download Sparkling Water version 3.28 which supports Spark 2.4.4 and unzip into /home/macos/sparkling-water-


4. Start Sparkling Shell on mac

To start Sparkling shell, open terminal, change directory to /home/macos/sparkling-water- and run ./bin/sparkling-shell which outputs something like below. This also initializes Spark Context with Web UI available at (change IP address to your system IP)

Now let’s create H2OContext by taking SparkSession object “spark” as a parameter, This creates an H2O Cloud inside the Spark Cluster.

Stay By The Water Mac Os X

This also runs an H2O Flow web UI interface to interact and run machine learning models. Open Flow in browser: (change the IP address to your system IP) . For now, ignore the warnings you get.


In this article, you have learned how to install H2O Sparkling Water on Mac OS and running sparkling-shell and finally created H2OContext where you can access the H2O Flow web UI interface.

Happy Learning !!