Stupid Chess Mac OS

World class chess database, analysis and game playing program for Mac
World Computer Chess Software Champion Engine
Suitable for all players from beginners to the World Chess Champion with human-like play
Platform: Runs on any Mac since 2010, Intel or the new Apple Silicon (M1 chips).
All Apple macOS™ 10.10 or later; Yosemite, El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur incl. Retina graphics.
Playing ability: Beginner (750 Elo) to World Champion strength and beyond (3200+ Elo)†
with human-like play
GUI Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
Detailed user manual and help videos in English
10th October 2020 edition supports latest Apple macOS Big Sur and Intel or Apple M1

  1. Stupid Chess Mac Os X
  2. Battle Chess Mac

Immediate fulfilment of all product purchases by email

HIARCS Chess Explorer App for Mac

'Clearly the best chess software for the Apple Macintosh' - Chess Magazine

HIARCS Mac Chess Explorer is a revolutionary chess database, analysis and playing program for Apple Macintosh computers. It offers an innovative and intuitive new graphical user interface with powerful features together with the World Chess Software Champion HIARCS 14 chess engine. This unique combination is refreshingly easy to use and includes many new features for chess preparation, analysis and training for players of all abilities from beginner to Grandmaster. It has specialised features to help weaker chess players improve their chess including special realistic weakened opponents, a chess coach which can demonstrate mistakes, show improvements and help you improve your chess.

Stupid Chess Mac 22 MB. Log in with to leave a comment. Dogboy-gif 187 days ago. There is a glitch where every move you make it. Just installed Mojave on my MacBook Air mid-2012. I've tried to uninstall the Stocks and Home apps using AppCleaner. It looks like the apps had some files associated with them removed (e.g. The file from Stocks), but the apps are still there and still seem to load. HIARCS Chess Explorer for Apple Mac OS. A new version 1.9.5 of HIARCS Chess Explorer is now available for you to download and install. It is compatible with any Mac OS 10.13 (High Sierra) or later including the new Big Sur (macOS 11). Unfortunately it cannot be opened anymore in macOS Catalina: it says developer cannot be verified:/ If you have any suggestions for other apps or workarounds it'd be much appreciated. I'm just looking for a chess app for mac where I can have a board editor and highlighting features (drawing arrows, and coloring squares to highlights, etc).

Key features include:

Mike Hutton ((email removed contact us for address) the following description on `Stupid', a crossover between `usual'chess and Ultima. In an email to me, he wroteabout the game:

'Stupid' has got to be one of the toughest games I have everplayed. It is almost impossible to look more than 4 moves ahead, and anydecisive move is fraught with danger.

Stupid chess mac os download

As was pointed out by Michael Keller, the initial position is differentfrom that of Ultima, and the functions of bishopsand knights are interchanged: in Ultima, bishops are chameleons, and knightsare long leapers.


Stupid was invented several years ago (1987ish) by, amongst others,Paul Monckton (paul_(email removed contact us for address) com) and Chris Shaw. Credit is given tothe inventors of the chess variant 'Ultima'.


Stupid is an amalgamation of chess and the chess variant 'Ultima'.The principle of the game is that a piece may EITHER move as a chess piece,OR move as an Ultima piece.


Each piece is given a double barrelled name of its chess and Ultimanames. Thus we have:

8 Pincer-pawns (or Roller-pawns)
2 Leaper-bishops
2 Chameleon-knights (or Amoeba-knights)
1 Freezer-rook (or Immobilizer-rook)
1 Coordinator-rook
1 Retreater-queen
1 Emperor-king.


Yes! Stupid actually has two variants. The first ('Pure Stupid')does not allow a piece to amalgamate chess and Ultima moves. That is, apiece may not move as a chess piece and then take as an Ultimapiece in the same move (or vice versa). The second variant ('Total Stupid')allows this amalgamation. For example, a pincer-pawn taking another pieceby moving diagonally forward one square CANNOT take pieces adjacent toits new position as an pincer capture in 'Pure' Stupid, but CAN in 'Total'stupid.

I will outline the rules for 'Pure' Stupid (as these are somewhat simplerthan 'Total' Stupid) below. If you require rules for 'Total' Stupid thenI will try to oblige at a later point.

'Pure' Stupid

The object of the game is to TAKE the opponent's Emperor-king (checkmatingis an optional rule and is not advisable for newcomers to the game).


Set the pieces up on the chessboard as for chess, and turn the queen'srook (the Coordinator-rook) on its head. In addition, place the black kingopposite the white queen, and black queen opposite the white king, thus:

Emperor-king e1; Retreater-Queen d1; Freezer-Rook h1; Coordinator-Rooka1; Chameleon-Knight b1, g1; Leaper-Bishop c1, f1; Pincer-Pawn a2, b2,c2, d2, e2, f2, g2. h2.

Emperor-king d8; Retreater-Queen e8; Freezer-Rook h8; Coordinator-Rooka8; Chameleon-Knight b8, g8; Leaper-Bishop c8, f8; Pincer-Pawn a7, b7,c7, d7, e7, f7, g7. h7.

The reason for swapping the black queen and king will become obviouslater.

General Principles

Only one piece may occupy a square at any one time. A piece may nevermove into a square occupied by a friendly piece.

The pieces

Emperor-King may move one space in any direction. If the spaceis occupied by an opponent's piece then it is taken.

Pincer-Pawn: May either:

  • Move one space forward into an unoccupied square, OR
  • Move two spaces forward into an unoccupied square if the pincer-pawnhas not yet been moved, OR
  • Move one space diagonally forward to take an opponent's piece, OR
  • (Optional) take an opponent's pawn en passant (as in chess), OR
  • Move as a rook. If at the end of the rook move the pincer-pawn is adjacentto an enemy piece which itself is adjacent to another piece the same colouras the pincer pawn, the enemy piece is captured (all three pieces mustlie in a straight line). When a pincer-pawn moves as a rook it may nevermove onto occupied squares.

Leaper-Bishop: May either:

  • Move diagonally in any direction and take as a bishop, or
  • Move as a chess queen, and leap horizontally, vertically, or diagonallyover an opposing piece if the square immediately beyond is empty. The leapermay then continue taking opposing pieces if there are further enemy pieces,in line with the Leaper-bishop move, with one space between each piece.

Stupid Chess Mac Os X

Retreater-Queen moves as a chess queen. This piece may only takeone piece at a time. It may either capture an adjacent enemy piece by movingdirectly away from it at the start of the Retreater-queen's move, or maytake an enemy piece by moving onto its space (as per a chess queen).

Freezer-Rook moves as a chess queen. It may only capture enemypieces as a chess rook (i.e. when it moves horizontally or vertically).In addition, any enemy pieces adjacent to the Freezer-rook may not be moved.

Battle Chess Mac

Coordinator-Rook moves as a chess queen. It may capture enemypieces as a chess rook (i.e. when it moves horizontally or vertically).If it does not capture a piece in this way, then if at then end of itsmove an enemy piece is on the same file as the Coordinator-Rook and thesame rank as the friendly Emperor-King (or same rank as Coordinator-Rookand same file as Emperor-King) then that piece is taken.

Chameleon-Knight: (deep breath in) This piece is a knightmare(apologies for the pun). That's why I've left it 'til last. This piecemay either:

  • Move and take as a chess Knight (2 sq hor/vert + 1 sq vert/hor), OR
  • Move as a chess queen and take any enemy piece as that piece wouldtake it in Ultima. I.e: It may take each opposingpiece as follows:
    • Emperor-King: Moving onto square when 1 space away
    • Pincer-Pawn: Sandwiching P-P between C-K and another friendly piece.
    • Leaper-Bishop: Moving up to and Leaping over L-B into empty followingspace
    • Retreater-Queen: Starting move by moving directly away from R-Q.
    • Freezer-Rook: Cannot actually take F-R, but does immobilise it.
    • Coordinator-Rook: Takes if opposing C-R is on same rank/file as C-K/ E-King @ end of move.
    • Chameleon-Knight: Cannot take (except as an optional case where endof C-K move results in all 4 C-K being adjacent thus:
    • when all but the C-K just moved are taken).

StupidWell, there you have it. A few question and answers:

Why swap over the black king/queen at the start of the game?
- Stupid is difficult enough without having to worry about having yourking coordinated. By switching the position of the black king & queen,it should be more obvious when someone intends to use their Coordinator-Rookto attack your Emperor-King.

Why use double barrelled names for all the pieces?
- OK, calling the King an Emperor-King may be a bit OTT, but the otherpieces are double barrelled just so you can remember the duality of theirmoves (it's quite easy to forget sometimes!). Besides, it adds more annoyancevalue to the game.

Why no checkmate (for beginners at least)?
- Try it and you'll see!

OK, I'm a real masochist and want to try Total Stupid. How do I knowwhich amalgamations are legal?
- Generally speaking, all of them are. You may (for instance) use yourRetreater-Queen to move directly away from an opposing piece (taking it,of course), and then take a second piece by moving onto its square as aqueen would. You may also take a piece with a Pincer-Pawn using a diagonalpawn-capture move, and then use pincer captures on enemy pieces now adjacentto that P-P. The only case I can think of which MAY be illegal is the followingLeaper-Bishop move:

L-B ** ** C-R P-P ** R-Q **

L-B moves onto (and captures) C-R. It then leaps over P-P, and againover R-Q (capturing both). I THINK this is legal (but I may need to discussthis with Paul).

If you have any queries then please email me at huttm%(email removed contact us for address),and I'll try to answer you a.s.a.p.

Written by Mike Hutton.Last modified: February 7, 1997.