Keep Me In Memory Mac OS

One of the most common questions among Mac users today is how to reclaim enough memory to provide great working performance. People are concerned about keeping their Mac in a good condition, so they look for any useful methods for speeding it up. The first solution that comes to mind is to do an effective Mac cleaning to remove unnecessary files and prevent system glitches.

Remove Login Items to lower Mac memory usage. Login items are programs that load automatically. However because it was a 2gb module and the memory works in matched pairs my Mac was down by 4 gig. 2 x 1gb modules are stock Apple memory. 3 x 4gb Kingston (2gb x 2 kits). Totalling 12gb of Kingston. If only i was clued up to this software 24 hours ago. I just know the memory wouldnt have died. To get an idea if you are in the clear, launch all the apps you normally use and then compare the amount of the physical memory installed on your Mac and the size of memory currently used. If the former is noticeably larger than the latter (as is the case in the screen capture above), then your RAM suffices to maintain proper functioning of your machine.

But sometimes users don’t know how to clean Mac to free memory or have no time to clean their PCs manually. We understand that this is a boring or difficult process, but it is highly recommended to start with reclaiming RAM memory. This will definitely be useful for boosting the performance of your computer.

  • I am using Mac OS Sierra 10.12.1 and Safari 10.01.1 I have 8GB of Ram and a 1 TB hdd. This is my first venture into Mac, as I have always used windows, but found the virus susceptibility worrisome. I am asking for help here if there is any available!
  • Historically, the classic Mac OS used a form of memory management that has fallen out of favor in modern systems. Criticism of this approach was one of the key areas addressed by the change to Mac OS X. The original problem for the engineers of the Macintosh was how to make optimum use of the 128 KB of RAM with which the machine was equipped, on Motorola 68000-based computer hardware that.

Try These Three Ways to Free Inactive Memory on Mac OS X

First, let’s clarify what inactive memory is on Mac. Inactive memory is used by recently active and terminated applications. The system of your computer saves this memory in case you want to use these applications again. If you no longer want to open those programs, the inactive memory will eventually be released or transferred.

But what to do when there is not enough memory and you see your Mac’s performance degradation? In this situation, we advise you to clear the inactive RAM by following the instructions below.

Before we begin, let us introduce one very useful and interesting application for Mac, namely MacFly Pro. This innovative cleaning software has been developed to take care of your Mac and keep it in a nice shape. MacFly Pro does the following: it removes inactive or old apps, as well as related files, cleans inactive memory, clears the cache and duplicates, gets rid of language and log files, and scans the overall condition to warn system of violations or threats. So if you want a fast and proper cleaning for your Mac, make sure you download and run MacFly Pro on your PC.

And now, we go directly to the ways how to free up ram on Mac:

1. Use Terminal

Open the Terminal application on your Mac.

Then, enter the command below:

Download New Mac Os

sudo purge

Keep Me In Memory Mac OS

After that, enter the password to clear inactive memory.

The advantage of this simple method is that it’s a default application and you don’t need to download any other programs. On the other hand, it might cause some slowdowns and so that you will have to enter the lines one more time.

2. Use Script Editor

The second way how to free up ram mac is to use Script Editor (the most popular technique used by Apple developers). Now, follow these steps:

Launch Script Editor

This is how it looks in an opened window:

Next, write down the following text:

display dialog “Free inactive RAM?” buttons {“Cancel”, “OK”} with icon 2 with title “Freeing RAM” default button 2

set buttonAnswer to the button returned of the result

if buttonAnswer is “ОК” then

say “Freeing RAM. Wait please.”

tell application “Terminal”

do shell script “purge”


end tell

say “Done!”

end if

After that, you should press ⌘+S and save the script in Application folders. Also, select Application format instead of Script.

This specific app is certainly useful, but actually, it is hard to open an app if you urgently need to clean your RAM on a Mac.

3. Use Third-Party Software

The last thing you do to free RAM is to look for and find some efficient cleaning applications. For instance, MacFly Pro is a great digital software and document scanner that will take care of your PC. With this app, you will forget about the necessity to clean Mac manually since it will do it for you in a matter of minutes. What is more, it will constantly support the system and optimize the performance of your Mac OS X.

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You still remember the first thing on your mind when you were buying your new MacBook that this Machine will always keep up with your pace and will never slow down on you. That’s exactly what these awesome machines are built to do. But sooner than you think, it starts slowing down. The first thing you need to know is that the performance of your Mac depends a lot on the memory usage on the device. We will talk about some of the ways to learn how to reduce memory usage on Mac and get it to maximum performance again.

Check Your Available Memory Usage on Mac First!

All the applications developed for use on Apple Machines are built to optimally use the memory available. But memory management for MacBook becomes critical when you open too many applications that are running simultaneously. This results in major memory overload.

Once you experience your Mac slowing down, you should start analyzing the memory usage. If you don’t know how to check memory usage on Mac, the best application to start with is the Activity Monitor. You can easily find this application in the Utilities or you can simply type the name of the application in the Spotlight window.

Activity Monitor: Helpful Tool in Analyzing Memory Usage on Your Mac

Activity Monitor is a built-in application in MacOS which tells you everything that is running on your MacBook. It gives you a complete overview of your MacBook’s memory usage. Here you can find out what applications are currently running and how much memory is being utilized by each of the applications. It is an excellent tool in analyzing the memory usage as it gives you plenty of details on the resources being consumed by any application, including the memory being used, Number of threads utilized by each app, CPU usage, etc.

Mac os memory pressure

What's more, ths Activity Monitor shows how you can add different columns to check a particular resource being utilized by an application and play with the statistics to shut down what you don’t need and that eats too much of memory. To illustrate a few, let’s have a look at the memory page of Activity Monitor.

The memory page is very informative when you understand all that it is showing to you;

Memory Pressure: This graph gives you the usage of memory over a period of time. You can set the Update Frequency and set the intervals. The right-most bar is the current memory usage, going back in time as you move to the left of the graph. The color of the graph shows the usage level.

  • Green – RAM Memory available.
  • Yellow – RAM Memory still available, tasked by memory-management processes (like Compression)
  • Red – RAM Memory completely used. This is the time where you should start shutting down some apps.

You can see the total installed RAM on your computer shown as,

Physical Memory: Total memory installed.

The part which you are really concerned about is the one marked as,

Memory Used: Total memory being used by the running apps and processes. Getting inside to have a deeper understanding of the memory distribution allows you to play with it and get the best performance.

  • App Memory: Total memory used by all the apps/processes.
  • Wired memory: As the name suggests, this memory is (virtually) hard-wired and you cannot make any changes to the processes using this memory. These are usually the primary processes of your Machine and they need the memory with the quickest access and cannot be swapped with the memory on disk.
  • Compressed: The MacOS will compress a chunk of memory in the RAM to make more space for the utilization of other apps. You can see the column of compressed memory to see how much actual and compressed memory is used by each process or application.

Swap Used: The MacOS will utilize some space on the disk drive of your Mac. This is used to free up physical space on RAM for the applications requiring more intense use of memory.

Cached Files: The MacOS keeps the recently closed applications as cached files for quick loading once you restart the same application. However, this memory is available to be used by any new application if the same application is not started.

Running out of Space? Try The Quick Fix to Free Up Memory Space Here

When you are running out of space on your Mac and your memory pressure graph is constantly in the red. Your computer is slowing down and if you are thinking about how do I free up memory on my Mac, using a powerful Mac cleanup software is the quickest fix for you. Umate Mac Cleaner is beyond compare your first choice for Mac cleaning software you will find and let me tell you why.

Umate Mac Cleaner is an amazingly powerful tool to clean and offers a one-click solution for releasing more memory. No important files will be deleted through Umate Mac Cleaner so you don’t have to worry about accidentally harming your Mac. Its one of the main features - Clean Up Junk is designed to delete all the junk files which are slowing down the Mac system. You can use the Clean Up Junk feature to run a Quick Clean first.

Quick Clean will run an automatic scan to search, identify and delete the unnecessary files piled up on your system. Deleting those junk files have no effect on system performance, so you can safely remove them without consideration.

Once the Quick Clean has done its job and you still feel the need to make some more space available, the Clean Up Junk lets you run a Deep Clean on the Mac. Deep Clean shows you the files available on the system which can be deleted to make more space available on the Mac. It runs a scan and finds the items that can be deleted, and you can now choose which of these files you want to permanently remove from the system, then hit the big Clean button to remove them with single click.

Another very useful feature of Umate Mac Cleaner to lower memory usage on Mac is Manage Application & Extensions. Naturally, there are a few applications lying around over the chunks of your memory and these applications are not even being used. These unused applications and unnecessary extensions are hogging on the memory bytes which are needed for the new and more frequent applications. This feature of Umate Mac Cleaner is how to save memory on Mac by uninstalling the rarely used applications and their associated files. Along with the unused applications, it also targets the unnecessary extensions which are installed in your Mac. This feature will list down the applications with their usage statistics and you can choose which ones to remove to lower memory usage on your Mac.

Getting Umate Mac Cleaner for Mac memory management is unbelievably easy. All you need to do is get the app from iMyFone, install and launch the app and let it do the rest automatically. The app comes with a very intuitive user interface and is compatible with Macbook/iMac running MacOS 10.15-10.9.

Other 7 Tips to Reduce Memory Usage on Mac Manually

Using a Mac cleaning tool to free up memory on Mac is much easiesr and faster. And this way is highly recommended for time-saving clean up. However, if you want to free up memory without using third-party software, here are other 7 extra tips for you to do the job manually. Let’s check them out together!

1. Clean up the Desktop

No matter what computer you are using, you know that your desktop is filled with unnecessary and unused icons scattered all around the screen. Don’t worry; this is what we do on all our computers. But if you want to lower the memory usage on your Mac, you might want to steer away from cluttering your desktop. This might come as a surprise, but MacOS allows your desktop icons to be treated as priority applications and it keeps all the desktop icons in the active memory. This takes up space in your RAM which you definitely want to save.

2. Manage Memory Usage in Finder

The Finder application on Mac can sometimes take up a lot of memory of your system. You are thinking that Finder should not be taking up this much space, right. It is probably because the Finder application is set to show all files available on the system. Try changing the default display of Finder to not show All My Files. This will work wonders for you.

3. Force Quit Memory-eating Processes

In the Activity Monitor, you can see which applications are consuming most of the memory. These memory-hogging processes are slowing down your system. You can select to Force Quit these processes to save memory on your Mac.

4. Delete Browser Extensions

The add-ons and extensions on the internet browser are nice tools for quick access to features you need while surfing the internet. But more often than not, they are consuming more memory than they are being helpful. You can save a lot of memory on your Mac by deleting the unwanted browser extensions. Just launch the browser on your Mac, like Safari, Chrome and Firefox, and then go to Preferences to remove those unwanted extensions on the Extensions tab.

You can use Umate Mac Cleaner to remove the undesired extensions. Just launch the app and go to Manage Applications and Extensions and the memory management tool will list down all the extensions for you to choose and delete. You will be surprised at how many of these extensions are not even needed in your Mac.

5. Close Unwanted Finder Windows

Opening a number of Finder windows takes up a lot of memory, and it is incredible how much memory you can save by this little tip. You don’t need anything fancy for this. A keyboard shortcut is all you need; press Command + Option + W to close all the open windows on your Mac.

6. Disable Login Items

The items that are set to launch on every login are going to use a lot of memory space. Most of these login items are not essentially required for your day to day computing needs and you can easily get rid of them. Here are the simple steps to do that: Click the Apple icon > select System Preferences > Click Users & Groups > Select the login item you want to remove, then click the Remove.

Using Umate Mac Cleaner to Disable Startup Items is your one-click solution to fix this issue. Select the items you want to disable on your next login and you will start your Mac with a bunch of memory saved.

Keep Me In Memory Mac Os 11

7. Purge RAM in Terminal (for Advanced Users)

Open the terminal on your Mac and enter the command ‘sudo purge’. This feature requires admin rights so you would have to enter the password here then the system will clear the inactive memory. We strongly advise against using this method unless you know your way around your Machine.

If You Use Chrome Browser, Here's Bonus Tip to Lower Memory Usage

If you are using Google applications like Gmail, Google Drive, etc. This tip might be useful on how to lower memory usage on Mac. Google Chrome makes use of the system GPU for its processes to help load web pages super fast, however, this process takes a lot of memory on your system RAM. Fortunately, there is a way to control this. Use the Task Manager of Google Chrome to manage the memory available for use by Chrome, and you are good to go!

Anyway, You Should Keep Your Eye on Mac's Memory Usage

If your Mac is boosted up with 16 gigs of RAM memory, then you might have a lot of free space to use up for unnecessary applications. But with the basic 4 or 8GB RAM machine, you would require the monitoring more often. More applications running on the Mac means more memory usage. This makes it very important that you should keep a check on your applications. Learning to read and analyze the memory page of the Activity Monitor will be extremely useful in memory management for your Mac and keep your MacBook memory usage under check.


With these simple tips and tricks, you can bring your Mac back to its fast performance condition when the speed of your MacBook was unmatched to all the other computers. Using an application that can efficiently look after the system health will keep your Macbook hassle-free. Umate Mac Cleaner might just be the thing you were looking for, a application that comes with all-in-one package and all the features you need.